Support for Query Evolution (2013)

The state-of-art search engines have made great effort on supporting user to form their queries, such as query auto-completion, spell correction, disambiguation, etc. Because certain gap exists between user’s actual information need and the queries they form in the first time, their queries might evolve as they receive more information about the topic they concern. The techniques I mentioned above, however, might not be very helpful for supporting user’s query evolution. The main goal of this project is to support user during their query evolution, indicating them other closely connect concepts and the concrete corresponding relationship between these concepts the query they typed in. To this end, I used DBpedia, i.e., the knowledge base from Wikipedia, with natural language processing techniques to suggest such concepts and their relations.

Project Reports

  • Guo, J. (2013). Tool Support for Query Evolution, Final project report for CSC 575: Intelligent Information Retrieval.
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